Aaron Followwill - Detective, Kirksville Regional Computer Crimes Unit (KRCCU)
Detective Followwill was born and raised in Galt, Missouri, and found his way to Kirksville after graduating high school He attended the Missouri Sheriff's Association Police Academy hosted by Kirksville in 2012. Upon graduation, he began employment with the Kirksville Police Department in February of 2013. He was a patrol officer before becoming a Master Police Officer in the patrol division in 2018. In November of 2021, he became a detective with the department. Officer Followwill currently splits his work time between cases for the Kirksville Police Department and cases involving Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC). He works in the Kirksville Regional Computer Crimes Unit as a part of his ICAC duties which covers a 13 county area in Northeast Missouri.
Presentation Description - How to Stay Safe Online
This presentation will focus on internet and social media safety. You will learn how to use social media apps and sites responsibly and safely in addition to general safety while using online sites. Parents and guardians will learn some tips on how to ensure that the person they care for is using these resources safely and responsibly.