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Ways to Support Us
Donate to Adair County SB40 Developmental Disability Board through our Section 501 (c) (3) Organization, Adair County DD Link
The Adair County DD Link, is a non-profit affiliation of Adair County SB40, and provides funding for projects and supports that are not available to individuals with disabilities through other types of funds distributed to people with disabilities by the Adair County SB40 Developmental Disability Board.
Programs, activities, and sensory room furnishings at the Community Learning Center
Providing books about inclusion to all area first graders during Developmental Disability Month annually
Funding of supports needed by people with disabilities that are not available through any other types of funding
Here is a way that you can easily donate to our programs.
Adair County DD Link is a Section 501 (c) (3) charitable organization and all donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.
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